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Treatment for Anxiety

Are you anxious? Are you the type of person who worries and overthink about everything. Do you worry about what the future holds for you, but not like necessarily 5 years from now, though that worry is in the back of your mind. No, you’re more worried about the immediate future and you constantly ask yourself “what if” questions. What if they don’t like me? What if I’m a bad parent? What if my partner doesn’t love me? What if my boss hates me? And much more. 

Not only do you have anxiety about the smallest details of the future but you also worry about what happened in the past and replay interactions with others; second guessing what you should have said or not said and what a person meant when they said this or that. Do they like you? Did you do a good job? Did you make a good impression? All of this builds up your anxiety and you miss out on what is going on right now, which means you’re missing out in life.

These are just some of the cognitive symptoms of anxiety and seeking treatment for anxiety would benefit you. 

Not only does anxiety cause your mind to be taken over with worry but you also suffer those physical symptoms. You get stress headaches that sometimes turn into migraines, your shoulders and neck are tight and you grind your teeth at night. You also struggle to fall asleep and then stay asleep. 

Different types of anxiety

Reasons for anxiety

What treatment for anxiety looks like

    • Examining the origins of negative self beliefs
    • Knowing when to set boundaries with yourself and with others
    •  Learning to be fulling present and engaged in life
    • Unhooking from thoughts and emotions
    • Learning to care of your needs
    • Being compassionate with yourself

Treatment for anxiety that can help you cope with it, take control of your worries and enjoy living your life. Come join me on this journey as we explore your treatment for anxiety. 

I can’t guarantee your anxiety will completely disappear. In fact some amounts of anxiety is good and can help motivate you to perform well in whatever you do. What I can do is provide you the tools and skills needed to manage your anxiety. If you related to anything that was written above, those anxiety symptoms described can be debilitating. Treatment for anxiety isn’t about banishing it, it’s about managing it.