Treatment for OCD
Do you struggle with unwanted and unwelcome distressing thoughts or images that pop into your mind repetitively? Do these thoughts occur against your will? Do you feel driven to perform certain behaviors that you recognize as excessive and time consuming? Maybe you try to resist doing these acts but it’s difficult and your experience anxiety until you perform these behaviors. If you feel trapped in this cycle, seeking treatment for OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder) can help break the cycle.
What are Obsessions?
Obsessions can be unwelcome thoughts, images, ideas and impulses that occur repeatedly and against your will. You may know these obsessions are senseless, do not represent who you are as a person and may be repulsed by them but you’re helpless in stopping them from occurring.
Types of Obsessions
- Contamination – fear of dirt, germs, getting sick, etc.
- Causing harm – hurting self, others, causing an accident, etc.
- Symmetry – needing things to be aligned, perfect handwriting, etc.
- Hoarding – need to collect useless things, worried about throwing away things that may be needed in the future, etc.
- Somatic – concerned about having an illness, having a deformed body part, etc.
- Sexual – unwanted sexual thoughts about strangers, friends, family, children, etc.
- Religious – worried about having blasphemous thoughts or doing the “right thing”, etc.
What are Compulsions
Compulsions are unwanted behaviors or acts that you are driven to perform even though you may know they are they are excessive or foolish to do. You may experience anxiety if you resist doing them and the anxiety doesn’t disappear until you do perform the compulsion.
Types of Compulsions
- Cleaning/Washing – excessive cleaning, washing, showering, etc.
- Checking – repeatedly checking locks, appliances, etc.
- Counting – needing to count objects like books, tiles, etc.
- Repeating – going in/out of doorway, turning appliances on/off, etc
- Arranging/Ordering – straightening things on desk, keeping the house in order, etc.
- Collecting – saving old newspapers, cans, etc.
- Mental – saying statements like “it’s okay” over and over again, making lists of things, etc.
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Treatment for OCD
Imagine a life where you’re no longer controlled by these intrusive thoughts and compulsive behaviors. Where you’re not repeatedly washing your hands or checking the door locks. Where you no longer mentally count or repeat phrases in your head. This is possible with evidenced based Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP) therapy.
Come and reach out to me so we can begin your journey where you break free from this cycle and start living a fulfilling life. It is possible to regain control and peace of mind