I recently had someone contact me and they wanted to know the reason I have to give them a diagnosis in order to use their health insurance. This prompted me to write this post, so that others who may have questions can find some...
We are constantly bombarded with so much information and responsibilities these days that it can be hard to find the energy to do it all. We’re taking care of others, meeting deadlines at work but what we’re not doing is taking care of...
The Nature of Change
Change and life transitions are a normal part of life. Sometimes they are initiated by you and other times the change comes and you have to learn to adapt to the transition. Life transitions can be from...
We all have an inner critic, that internalized voice inside our heads that criticizes and belittles our actions, abilities and self-worth. While it can sometimes push you towards improvement, more often than not, it worsens your anxiety and depression. Understanding and managing your it can be...