Are You Struggling with Anxiety?
Have you noticed that you’re getting more headaches or migraines? Maybe you’ve noticed being easily irritated with others? These could be symptoms of anxiety.
Other Symptoms of Anxiety
- Feeling fatigue, tired and exhausted, even after a good night’s rest
- Noticing tension in your muscles, especially in the neck and shoulder area
- Digestive issues such as diarrhea or constipation
- Difficulty sleep, whether falling asleep or staying asleep
- Feeling overwhelmed, like you can’t take on any more responsibility
- Being unable to rest or stay still for any length of time
- Ruminating or overthinking about different areas of your life or a particular situation
- Worrying a lot over things, even things that are going well
How does it develop?
Anxiety is a normal biological response to stressors. For example, if there is project due at work, a person can feel some anxiousness about it which then motivates them to put effort in and do well. However, this anxiety can become overactivated and unhealthy. Sometimes our bodies don’t know that we don’t need to be anxious because our hormones are out of balance.
Other times it can be a learned behavior through observations of parents or other family members during childhood. As a child watches their parent excessively worry about things, a child can mirror this in their own world and come to believe that this is normal.
What can you do about anxiety?
There are many options to manage and treat anxiety. It’s a good idea to make sure that there isn’t anything medically going on contributing to the anxiety. Other options for managing anxiety are:
- Practicing relaxation techniques like deep breathing, meditation or progressive muscle relaxation to help calm your bodies nervous system.
- Having a sleep hygiene routine so that you are getting enough sleep.
- Eating nutritious foods so that you’re feeding your gut what it needs to produce those happy hormones.
- Seeking a counseling professional. Connect with me to find out how I can help you.
Everyone experiences anxiety in some form. However, it can become chronic and unhealthy. If you find that this is the case for you, please contact me.
Judy Wang, LCPC, CPC provides telehealth sessions in Maryland and Nevada. She works with teens and adults struggling with OCD, anxiety, and trauma.